Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get out the vote

For one and a half hours, I did the following:
  • read the newspaper
  • watched the girls basketball team practice (we vote in a school gym)
  • chatted with my neighbors
  • knitted a little on a dishcloth
  • looked over the sample ballots
  • enjoyed 'people watching'
  • played 'peek a boo' with a very cute 2 year old
  • cast my vote

Yes, it was a long wait to vote -- but, many men/women did so much more to give me this right to vote -- I owed it to them to stand in that line. And, you know -- in the long lines this morning, I did not hear one word of complaint. It made me very proud to be an American and an Oklahoman.

Now get out there and vote !! Remember, you can't complain unless you cast your ballot.

Note: Something cool -- as I was actually marking my ballot, the Star Spangled Banner began playing on the sound system of the school. Everyone placed their hand over their heart -- and, stood at attention until the last note and then the voting resumed. It was something I'll remember for the rest of my life.