I've been laying low (literally) due to some back pain. Have watched way too much HGTV and Food Network. Read two books. Did a tiny bit of knitting on my afghan. And, visited some of my favorite blogs to see 'what's up' -- as usual, these bloggers inspire and amaze me. Check them out.
http://seekatiesew.blogspot.com/ colorful quilt blocks
http://artsycraftybabe.typepad.com/artsycrafty_babe/ - she's got a brand new bag
http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/ - working in 'snippets'
http://www.themikkelsens.net/sarah/journal/ - tiny squares and the cutest 'cat / Christmas tree photo ever !
http://www.yarnharlot.ca/blog/ -two words . . . . Wow Cowl !!
http://www.supereggplant.com/blog/ - homemade English muffins & jam