Tuesday, January 27, 2009

White & Cold -- but, not snow

It's very cold - - - temp guage in my PT Cruiser. A little blurry picture; but, it reads: 19 degrees and that was midmorning yesterday. At the time, we had no idea that temp reading was a real heat wave. Last night it got down to 8 degrees !

And, there's white stuff everywhere - - - here's the view from our front door.

The streets around our neighborhood - - -

Some of us were unlucky on the drive to/from work - - - which just proves that the winter weather can get to even most experienced drivers every once in awhile.

And, one of my favorite things about winter -- feeding/watching the birds. This little fellow was just one of many visitors of the feathered variety.


The white 'stuff' is sleet. Yep - that's almost 2 inches of sleet not snow on top of a quarter of an inch of ice. Driving was an adventure.

Bird picture was taken through our office conference room windows -- the only way I could snap a shot of that beautiful Cardinal.