It all started with a checkup -- routine visit to my GP. Here's what I looked at for over 20 minutes - knitting and waiting for the Doc to come in. (And, why are all the magazines in doctor's offices all at least 6 months old ??)
My GP scheduled some tests. One of the tests was a date with this handsome machine - - - the entire process brings new meaning to the old saying: Getting your tit in a ringer !!
And, after two 'dates' with the handsome machine -- there was a little procedure that required me to lay very still while being punctured by a very large needle. Afterwards, I got to spend an afternoon holding ice on my right boob, while indulging in these - - - -
After a very long 24 hours -- I found out that all the test results were negative. Although I'm still very sore, it's getting better every day. In time, all the pain/stress of the past 7 days will be forgotten --- but, what I won't forget is all the thoughts/prayers of friends and family -- that love and my faith carried me through and for both, I am truly thankful.
P.S. By the way, I now have a 'marker' inserted inside my right boob. My doctor told me the marker will show in future mammograms that this site has already been biopsied. But, I really think it's really one of those 'locator micro-chip thingies' so the government can find middle-aged grandmothers with a love of chocolate, Big Gulps, knitting books and Chick Flicks !! I know this just might be the Valium & pain meds talking -- but, you just never know !