Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sunrise & Sparrows

6:45 AM --

The view from my back yard as I filled the bird-feeders this morning. Maintaining the bird feeders is a priority at our house: not only does it provide entertainment for our cats -- it also keeps the sparrows from making a meal of my Rose Moss. Just look at the evidence in the picture below. Now I realize that this is a very bad picture, but give me a break -- I was trying to shoot through the window with two cats at my feet !
If you look closely you can see the plant vandals for yourself -- there's one sneaky bird actually in my planter (lower right), just pecking away, while his little friend acts as look out !
As of this morning, the Rose Moss was not looking so good. I'm seriously beginning to think about making tiny scarecrows for my planters -- or buying some of those bright colored pinwheels and sticking them in the planters. I might even do some 'sparrow research' on the internet today. There's got to be some way to save my Rose Moss. Any suggestions are welcome.