Friday, July 17, 2009

Warning - these can become addictive . . . . . .

Take one bandanna - cut into two pieces. Lay the pieces end to end and sew together.
With a contrasting fabric, cut a 4" strip and sew onto the length of the sewn bandanna strip.
Sew the ends together to form a tube. Press down 1/4 inch on both top and bottom of tube - turn under bottom hem again (1/4 to 1/2 inch) and press. Stitch down hem. Turn top under again 1" and press to form a casing. Stitch down top casing (making sure to leave an opening to insert elastic), also stitch 1/4 inch from top of casing to form a ruffle edge. Thread elastic through top casing, measuring waist of future skirt-wearer, cut elastic and stitch ends together, stitch opening shut.
Ta Da --
you have a Bandanna Skirt for a baby/toddler girl !!
So simple and super cute
Total time from start to finish: 20 minutes
Check stash for cute contrasting fabric.
Go out and buy more bandannas --
Warning: these can be addictive !

Note - for older girls:: use two bandanna (or three - depending on how full you want your skirt and age of child) -- one each for front/back.