Thursday, October 15, 2009

It's a process . . . .

For me, quilting has always been a process - something I worked through until I liked the results and called it finished.  The process usually starts with some inspiration (see the picture below - upper right) - in the case of my latest quilt the inspiration was a quilt from Crazy Mom Quilts at  My quilt  started as a simple quilt with one row of sort of wonky blocks paired with a large block of fabric.  As you can see, Master Yoda was my first block.

Here's what it looked like after the preliminary sketching, cutting, sewing, pressing --

It's really rough and I wasn't totally in love with it -- I needed help. So, I emailed the picture of my 'prototype I' StarWars quilt to my quilting gal-friends and got lots of feedback.  And, now the 'process' continues. 

With some tweaking and redesigning - there will be final pictures posted on Monday. 
That is if the 'Force' is with me . . . . .

Stitcher's Joint Project - 24 receiving blankies for a local teen pregnancy center.  Made over three weeks and we sewed a little bit of love into each one.  Bib & burp-cloths are our next project.