Today our grandson Joseph's day care facility (or his 'school' as he calls it), hosted a Picnic Lunch and invited parents and grandparents to join them.
It was a little too chilly and windy for a meal outside; but, we had a nice lunch together anyway. Before the meal we all sang the grace and if we didn't know all the words that was OK because we could all sing 'AMEN' together real loud.
The menu featured tuna sandwiches, fruit, lemonade and Joseph's personal favorite: celery with ranch dip -- you see, when you are 3 years old, it's all about the dip !!
MoMo and Papa Bill sat in little blue chairs next to Joseph and we were on our best behavior. We even remembered to use our napkins to keep our faces nice and clean.
After our meal, Joseph pointed out all the 'cool' toys in the room and we agreed with him that this was truly the very best room in the school. We also were shown the bulletin board decorated with ducks -- each duck had wings made of hand prints and one had Joseph's name on it -- a very fine looking duck!
Then it was time for MoMo and Papa Bill to leave. Joseph along with all the little boys and girls donned coats and jackets to head to the playground and run off some of their high-energy before nap time. MoMo and Papa Bill think Joseph's teacher is a very smart woman !!