Mustang, Oklahoma, United States
60-ish 'child of the prairie' who loves sewing, baking, knitting and most of all -- family & friends.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Going AWOL

I'll be AWOL tomorrow -- so, the post I intended for tomorrow will be posted this afternoon because I don't seem to be intelligent enough to figure out how to 'autopost' -- all those directions are making my head hurt.
Tomorrow I will be with Joe, our sick little grandson. I'll be reading stories, watching DVD's, trying to get some liquids down him and giving cuddles when necessary.
Meanwhile - I've been meaning to post a picture of my preferred lunch from my one of my favorite restaurants here in town, Meiki's. Although this restaurant is known for their hand-made pizzas and Italian dishes -- their hamburgers are done on an old-fashioned flat-top grill and the fries are hand-cut. It's not a low-cal meal -- but, it's so good !!

Note to Linda: Wish I could ship a couple of these up to you and Ted in the Pacific Northwest !