Mustang, Oklahoma, United States
60-ish 'child of the prairie' who loves sewing, baking, knitting and most of all -- family & friends.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Almost time . . . .

This past week -- before the issues with my back reared it's ugly head -- Hubby and I made a visit to our local Home/Garden Center. We needed a few things for the house and were not there to buy any of the hundreds of plants their nursery dept had to offer.
Because here in Oklahoma -- it's a little too soon to put out those tender young bedding plants. And, if my memory serves me well (with all the drugs I'm on today -- that probably isn't too well !) -- I remember my friend Linda telling me not to plant these types of plants until after the middle of April -- so it's a little too soon for these types of plants to go into the ground. We Okies have to be patient and wait just a little longer.
But, that didn't mean that all those colors/textures were ignored -- we strolled up and down the aisles admiring all that spring has to offer --
here's just a small sample :

I hoping that my back improves each day -- because I won't be able to resist the temptation to get out there -- dig in the dirt -- and, give just a few of those plants a new home!