Mustang, Oklahoma, United States
60-ish 'child of the prairie' who loves sewing, baking, knitting and most of all -- family & friends.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

SUMMER POST CARD II: Enjoying . . . . .

Watching milk, cream, sugar, and vanilla become ice cream.
When seen through the eyes of a 4 year old --
this is a magical process !

Creating a colorful 'Pooka Critter'
Such a fun project and all the fabrics were from my 'scrap bag'
I'm so loving my new sewing corner

A visit to my office by my youngest grand-babe.
Sitting on her blankies, playing with her toys,
babbling to herself -- such a good baby !

Hope you all are 'enjoying'
all the delights of Summer !!