Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Good intentions . . . .

Every year I have good intentions.
I promise myself that I will start my holiday crafting/knitting/sewing early -- like in January. 
And, every year I break that promise.
This means the months leading up to Christmas are very busy.

Knitting scarves for the grand-daughters.

Sewing a baby quilt for a baby girl due in December.

And sewing pj pants for all the grandbabes. I was too busy with all the cutting out, stitching up to get a picture -  use your imagination. 

(And, if you are going to imagine a picture of the pj pant construction - please also imagine that my sewing room is clean and all the pj pants are finished and in gift bags under my completely decorated Christmas tree.  Hey - if your going to use your imagination - go big!)

P.S.   I swear, next year I'm going to start early (and I mean it this time !!!)