Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holiday Snapshot :: #1

Seems like it was just a few days ago that we were celebrating Labor Day. Now, Thanksgiving is over and done. We stuffed ourselves with turkey, dressing and pumpkin pie.  And, when we weren't looking December rolled around again.  In the coming days/weeks we will all be in a hurry to get the shopping done, the cookies baked, the cards mailed -- all the 'things' that we think are so important this time of year.  But, in all that 'busy-ness' there will be a few 'snapshots' that will stay with us long after Christmas is packed up and put away for another year.  I'm going to make an effort to record (and share) some of the 'snapshots' of my Christmas this year -- things that I want to hold onto and remember.
Here's my first 'snapshot' of this season ::  little-girl-cousins from 23 months to 4 years old -- all busy with their Christmas crafting.

In the years to come, they may not remember a November afternoon decorating wooden ornaments --  but, I'll bet their Mamas (and their Grammys) will remember --  and treasure this first 'snapshot' of the season.