Our church is have a 'Tie One On' apron auction for charity this coming weekend and members were asked to donate handmade aprons. This is my contribution - a plain 'butcher' type apron with a p
ocket on the bib. (Excuse the picture - it's hard to photograph an apron without a model and my husband will do a lot things for me -- but, wearing an apron in our backyard for a picture is not one of them!)
According to what I read, apron's are making a come back. There's even a best selling book on the history of aprons. Well, I didn't know they ever went out of style! I've always used aprons - grew up with a Mom who had an work apron for every day of the week.
My Mom's every day aprons were usually half aprons with at least one pocket, in checked gingham or sometimes out of flour sack material with a rick-rack trim. They weren't fancy but were colorful and very useful.
Gathering fresh-laid eggs, wiping tears from a child's face, drying hands wet from dishwater, dusting the edge of a piece of furniture and --- women of her generation were 'multi-tasking' with an apron long before that term became popular.
And, I'm sure that women (and men) will be using aprons to perform a multitude of tasks, in some form or another, for years to come