When you & your crafting/sewing/knitting share a very small room with your hubby, who also has a complete set of drums in said room -- that room tends to get a little cramped. Over the past 5 years, Hubby and I have constantly re-arranged and pared down our stuff in order to have more room. After some thinking and pondering -- here's what we came up with --
As of Sunday afternoon, all my fabric now resides in the closet. It works great and I wonder why we didn't think of it sooner. Of course, before the fabric could move into the closet -- lots and lots of stuff had to move out. A huge haul of stuff was loaded into both vehicles for a drive to our local Goodwill store. The nice people at Goodwill were very happy to have new stuff to sell -- but, not as happy as I was to have more room in my little sewing corner. In fact, I was so happy that as soon as the fabric made the move into it's new home -- I immediately cut out a pair of shorts for Laney and new pj pants for Joe.