Hopefully with a little counseling, some cleaning issues and re-reading of the manual -- we will be back on good terms in a couple of days. Until then -- here's a pretty picture of my hollyhocks after the rain yesterday afternoon. This was a 'pass along' plant from my Mom's garden 4 years ago. The stalks are almost five foot this year and just covered with lovely old-fashioned blooms.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Taking a break -- & a pretty picture . . . .
This week, I've been busy cutting out & sewing shorts for the youngest grand-daughter and pj pants for her brother. Easy sewing projects with almost instant results. Until last night.
Seems that my sewing machine and I are not getting along. It all started with a little 'tension' whenever we worked together -- and then there was the heated discussion about stitch length and another little 'talk' about who exactly was the responsible party in our relationship. Currently we are 'taking a little break' to let the dust (and frayed nerves) settle a bit.
So much prettier to look at than my last sewing project.